Wave of Light Blueprint

Wave of Light Blueprint


Required Mastery Rank Level
Material Type
Research Material
Acquisition Detail
Intercept Battle: [Normal] [Devourer] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 032] required
Intercept Battle: [Hard] [Devourer] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 076] required
Intercept Battle: [Hard] [Pyromaniac] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 087] required
Intercept Battle: [Hard] [Frost Walker] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 115] required
Intercept Battle: [Hard] [Pyromaniac] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 087-Mutant AA] required
Intercept Battle: [Hard] [Frost Walker] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 115-Mutant AA] required
Intercept Battle: [Hard] [Gluttony] [Amorphous Material Pattern: 115-Mutant AA] required
Amorphous Open Condition