Inflicts damage and Electrocution on enemies in front of Cutoff Beam.
Active Camouflage
Activates Active Camouflage, which hides self from enemy sight. Attacking an enemy while in this state immediately ends Active Camouflage, and activates Ambush.
Shock Nuts
Fires Shock Nuts embedded in the arm forward, dealing damage to enemies and inflicting the Stun effect.
Flash Shortsword
Generates multiple Shortswords and fires them at a designated target. Hit enemies take Burst damage and are inflicted with Electrocution. Fire using the attack button and cancel using the aim button.
Canceling does not trigger a cooldown.
When in Ambush state, killing an enemy by using a skill resets the Active Camouflage cooldown. This effect gains cooldown. When attacking, increases DMG against enemies who are not targeting the caster.